Title: Dangerous Embrace
Series: Embrace book 1
Author: Dana Mason
Genre: Romantic suspense, Thriller
Heat: 3 stars
Source: ARC provided by Book Plug Promotions in exchange of an honest review
Sarah only wants peace, but trouble seems to find her anywhere. She has chosen a lonely life in her way of surviving, but Mark Summors is set to change her ways. Will she survive her fears? Can she build a new life?
Mark is the best type of character. Who doesn’t a want a Mark for themselves? He is a great ex, a great father, a great friend and even greater boyfriend. Sarah has issues, but who doesn’t? Hers are deep, but it doesn’t change the fact that she is a kickass heroine. Ms. Mason has created characters that are easy to connect, relate and love.
This book is very well written, with a fast-paced plot that grabs the reader from the go and doesn’t let down until the very end. There is always something happening, and the intensity is very high. There are several twists on the book that are very well crafted and add to the suspense of this thriller. This is a very believable plot that could happen anywhere.
This is my first book from Ms. Mason, but it won’t be the last. I’m really looking forward to read this series and to follow the author in her other book journeys.
“I handed him my heart, soul, and spirit on a silver platter and he crushed them into a million pieces.”
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