Title: My Soul Immortal
Series: Fated Eternal #1
Author: Jen Printy
Genre: Paranormal Romance
Heat: 2 stars
Source: ARC provided by the author
Cover: 3.5 stars
Characters: 3.5 stars
Plot: 4 stars
Heat: 2 stars
Freshness: 5 stars
Addictiveness: 3 stars
Total: 3.5 stars
Jack is an immortal and after stopping a robbery, he once again needs to move to another place, so his immortality may be kept a secret. After he moves, he sees a woman which he believes is the reincarnation of his soul mate.
Leah Winters is a twin-like of his long lost love. As he bonds with her, danger catches them. Will their love find a way to survive this time around?
You should read My Soul Immortal because it has great world built. The author creatively makes the main character chooses his location randomly in a very unique way. She also meshes together present time within Jack's historical mannerisms, creating an interesting combination.
Another good reason to read this book is because Ms. Print develops from the beginning of the book a great mystery by not letting the reader no what type of paranormal creature Jack is. It instigates readers from the beginning of the story and when it's finally explained it doesn't disappoint at all. The author's explanation is very clever and romantic. It helps the couple's love story shines even brighter.
Finally, you should read this book because this story has so many twists and turns, that you will feel compelled to keep on reading until you find answers to all of your questions. Even though the book has a continuation, it has a pretty good ending for the first book of a series.
What don't work so well in this story are the long mythological explanations, that confuses and slow the pace of the book some. Also, Jack's angst and negative feelings are a bit exaggerated in my opinion.
I would recommend this book to all paranormal readers that are looking for something new and exciting.
I will definitely be reading book two of the series.
" Maybe I need to come up with a better method of choosing my next home. This place reminds me too much of England. Old, yes. Merry, no."
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